Thursday, September 29, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow!  So much has happened this past month.  Back in August, for our anniversary, Eric got us tickets to visit New York City in September.  I loved the city...but more on that later!  First I wanted to post some pictures from some other things that happened this month.

September 3-5: Mrs. Karen, Selena, and the nieces come to visit!

We always love it when family comes to town!  We all hung out at the house relaxing most of the time.  The kids got to enjoy the hot weather by swimming in the pool and eating frozen fruit bars.  We also went out to Uncle Bubba's Oyster House and Wormsloe Historic Site.    

September 9-10: Steven's Birthday!

I am so glad we made it down to Florida for my (not so little any more) brother's birthday.  We sang and had lemon filled Publix cake on Friday night and then went out for lunch at Clark's Fish Camp the next day.

Steven and I shared the swamp platter.  Nothing better than frog legs and gator tail!

Eric decided on the 3 pound prime rib.  What a huge piece of meat!

With all of our recent travels, we have seen some amazing sunsets!  God's creation is truly inspiring.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Nice Surprise

Today I received this at my house (all pretty and nicely packaged)...

My prizes from My So Called Homeschool Life's 16 Month Planner Package Giveaway!!!  It always makes my day to get a package in the mail!  Everyone should go check out her blog.  She has fun blog posts and a couple of giveaways going on right now.  Thanks so much Ruthie!!!  

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Always Remembered

On 9/11/2001, I was at the dentist office getting my teeth cleaned.  I was sitting in the dentist's chair watching television when someone said to turn the channel to the news.  I watched the aftermath of the first plane crash, then saw the second one hit.

I can not believe it has been 10 years since this attack on the United States.  My heart goes out to the friends and families of those who were killed.  I am so thankful for those people who put their lives on the line to protect and save lives.  We will always remember.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Help by Kathryn Stockett

I just finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett this past week and would highly recommend it.  The novel is about three very different woman from Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960's who come together to work on a project that will cross social barriers of the time.  They decide to risk their safety because they are fed up with the way "things are". 

My friend Lindsey suggested I read the book and I flew through it pretty quickly.  It made me really think about how glad I am that some people are brave enough to stand up for what they know is right (even if the consequences of them doing so are brutal.).  I can't wait to go see the movie ( I always like to read the books first because they are usually better than the movies.  My one exception so far - The Time Traveler's Wife. (that book was very depressing)).  Anyone seen the movie yet???  I heard it's been at the top of the box office the last couple of weeks.